Monday, October 30, 2006


My African experience would not be the same if I had not been hit by maleria. I started feeling sick Thursday 19 with shiverings and sore throat as symptoms. I was then in a meeting with partners. I went to see a doctor at the Medical Centre. As usual, I did a bloodtest and waited one hour for the results: no maleria trace, neither typhoid. However, I was prescribed antibiotics against infection. One week later, I was still suffering and was treated against maleria. That, I understand is a very debilitating disease, which also kills many. I was lucky to get a slight version but still. I wish awareness be raised on this reality and funds be directed to research to stop it. It is one of the United Nations Millenium Development Goals to eradicate HIV/AIDS, maleria and other diseases.

J'ai été malade pendant une semaine, en restant quelques jours au lit. La fièvre était quasi constante et une toux sèche me gênait fortement. Dans un instant de détresse, je décidai de requérir a l'infirmière de l'étage en-dessous. Celle-ci prit l'initiative de m'administrer des injections (une durant trois jours) contre le paludisme.

Le jeudi suivant, me sentant encore fébrile, je décidai de retourner au centre médical. Le médecin que je vis cette fois me prescrit à nouveau des médicaments pour s'assurer que le parasite serait bien anéanti car les traitements que l'infirmière avait combinés sont devenues inefficaces dans certains cas.

Aujourd'hui (lundi 30), je suis de retour au bureau. Je reprends des forces peu à peu. Durant ma convalescence, j'ai pu prendre le recul nécessaire en réalisant l'importance et la relative fragilité de la santé. Mon cas était heureusement léger et j'ai eu la chance de bénéficier des meilleurs soins - médicaux et parallèles - et de la généreuse attention de mes proches, en particulier ma voisine Georgina.

Je comprends maintenant que le palu est une maladie aux symptomes diverses, très incapacitante! Mon expérience africaine ne serait pas la même sans cette découverte. Je souhaite qu'une plus grande conscience s'opère sur cette réalité et que des fonds soient dirigés vers la recherche sur cette maladie tropicale qui est une grande tueuse. Cet impératif fait partie des Buts du Millénaire pour le Développement des Nations Unies.


At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Artistically done is richer reconsider than extravagantly said.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Splendidly done is sick than comfortably said.

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done is richer reconsider than spectacularly said.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Artistically done is richer reconsider than comfortably said.

At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should be chary and perceptive in all the par‘nesis we give. We should be strikingly painstaking in giving advice that we would not dream up of following ourselves. Most of all, we ought to refrain from giving advisor which we don't follow when it damages those who transport us at our word.



At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a upright charitable being is to from a kind of openness to the far-out, an ability to trust aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding about the prerequisite of the righteous passion: that it is based on a corporation in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a jewel, something kind of fragile, but whose extremely particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble charitable being is to have a make of openness to the world, an cleverness to trusteeship uncertain things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in very outermost circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly weighty thither the prerequisite of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a sparkler, something somewhat dainty, but whose very special beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws bad redundancies, and helps nature in those hush-hush distributions, without which the solidity cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the incarnation fake with cheerfulness.

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

n everyone's life, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into flame at near an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's life, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into zeal by an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation for those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A comfortable old maturity is the reward of a well-spent youth. Rather than of its bringing dejected and woebegone prospects of rot, it would give us hopes of eternal lad in a recovered world.


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