Thursday, August 03, 2006

World Press Review

I spent the morning reading news on the state of the world, particularly the Middle-East again in the focus.

I feel concerned with what is happening in that region while Israel resumed air strikes today. Instability and insecurity have been going on for so long that any hope of a peace deal is tenuous. At most.

I first read a message from Oxfam on the crisis and what they are doing in Lebanon. I followed the link taking me to the specific page of the organisation's website

From there, I went to demand Tony Blair to call for an immediate ceasefire: not later but NOW! A recent news depicted the PM and Bush standing together against a truce. I visited the blog of a female Palestinian writing from Beirut where she's involved in Oxfam's actions. Areas under ongoing attacks are not forgotten as a 'Postcard from Gaza' shows.

BBC News website is referred to get in depth information on the crisis. I found the information is well treated as usual and from diverse angles.

I decided to visit IRIN, the UN Integrated Regional Information Networks In the minds of lots of people - for obvious reasons - the United Nations are connected to the United States. As predictible, this media seems to provide neutral reports of the facts.

What I appreciate with this source is that there are all sorts of information on theoritically all the countries. I subscribed to their update emails. The services are also in French.

On the same website, I found a story on Ghana written by a freelance journalist I met at a party. It's about the dumping of Accra's raw sewage in the sea and the related potential health hazards.

There are more reports on Ghana to find at this page

I think this website is a useful and pleasant instrument to know more on various countries and topics.


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